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12/23/2018 3:24:50 PM 人评论 次浏览

" alt="追踪中国:这里我是老卫(以开放的眼光在中国工作和生活)(英文版)[TracingChinaSeries:HereTheyCallMe"LaoWei"]" />



《追踪中国:这里我是老卫(以开放的眼光在中国工作和生活)(英文版)》Dr.Wessling’S observations are drilling deep below the outer skin.He has the eye for the usual—exceptional and he looks at people with whom he is deailling with sympathetic interest.WessIing describes China very hUmorously and vivid from a perspective which even 10ng—term Shenzhen residents did not uncover.He adds about 140 photos showing Iife and—very SUprisingly—nature observations which again most of the Shenzheners have never seen.In aII his descriptions.the author avoids any SIang and those PIatitudes who are so much popula r in self-appointed China experts in order to cover Iack of deep knowledge.In the“bUSlness chapters”(if I may say SO),the deveIopment and function of relationshiP networks ln China based on trust iS described in detail,without even mentioning the term,guanxi which iS elsewhere SO 0ften misunderstood and inapprOpriateIy used.



This remarkable, fascinating book describes the life of ordinary, and many more extraordinary people with great detail, sympathy and humor. In adition to the very vivid description of all this encounters, the book contains great pictures taken by Dr. Wessling in and around Shenzhen. It's certainly not a superficial travel-narrative or "How to do business in China" manual, apparently was not intended to be, it's much more and gives deeper insight into an extraordinary city and its extraordinary people. The author tries to do justice to the complexity of this gigantic country, while introducing to us all the facts which he got to know in the course of 6 years. Highly recommended reading, for those with (past, present or future) connections to Shenzhen and everybody who has more than superficial interest in China.


The author with his grandson, showing him photos from China
In 1996, the entrepreneur Dr. Bernhard Wessling founded Ormecon International, a group of small companies operating world-wide in the area of nanotechnology. He is chemist and discovered, after many years of research, the new class of nano- materials, the "Organic Metals", and introduced them into various markets in the electronics industry.


