《穿儒服的传教士》讲述的是意大利传教士利玛窦于16世纪末来到中国,在中国生活28年,积极推动中西间文化交流的故事。利玛窦努力学习中国文化,融入中国社会,向中国人介绍西方科学知识,同时向西方人介绍中国文化。他的《利玛窦中国札记》被公推为西方人认识中国的基本著作。利玛窦本人则被誉为中国天主教之父、西方汉学的创始人,更有人赞他为中西文化交流史上的典范。 This book is about the Italian Jesuit, Matteo Ricci, who had traveled to China in the 16th century as a missionary, and lived in the country for 28 years until his death. It is a story of his efforts and achievements in facilitating the cultural exchange between the East and West. Matteo Ricci was committed and diligent in learning Chinese culture, and he assimilated himself successfully into China's society. In the process, he introduced Western scientific knowledge to the Chinese people, and also introduced Chinese culture to the Westerners. The Journals of Matteo Ricci in China is known to be a fundamental literary work that introduced China to the Westerners. Matteo Ricci was reputed as "the Father of China's Catholicism", and the pioneer of Western's Chinese Studies. He is hailed as the role model in the history cultural exchange between the East and West.