

8/11/2018 5:10:09 PM 人评论 次浏览



以夜市管理员九叔为代表,这部影片展现了市井人物的生存状态,以及个体命运在时代变迁中的波折流转。 九叔,绰号“夜市市长”,以临时工的身份掌管中山路夜市三十年。夜市鱼龙混杂,九叔用江湖手段管理夜市,粗砺却有效。在他的倾力打理下,夜市由原来的几个流动小吃摊发展到三百多个美食摊位。南宁中山路由此成为远近闻名的美食街。夜市繁荣,个体户拥戴,加上城区领导倚重,所以九叔在夜市地位稳固。虽然年近七十,九叔仍继续以夜市为家。每当夜幕降临,九叔照例身穿制服、腰佩警棍,带领手下坐镇巡视,风雨无阻。临近午夜,九叔叫上夜市的老兄弟喝酒打牌,然后趁着酒劲招摇过市。 九叔在夜市志得意满,家庭生活却不顺心。他早年身世坎坷,中年经历多次离婚,晚年又与儿女不和。所幸的是,现任老婆小杨性格温和忍让,对九叔的生活悉心照料。适逢中秋节,九叔带小杨回新家祭祖。一家人吃饭时,九叔劝儿子踏实一点,早点结婚。结果儿子不予理会,父子不欢而散。 百年老街中山路,白天街面残破,晚上却是黄金地。在人声喧杂中,各色市井人物不论出身各施所能,各谋各的生路。夜市个体户六叔,与九叔同为中山路老街坊,几十年的酒肉兄弟。老哥俩意气相投,几乎天天碰头打牌喝酒。六叔从小混迹江湖,年轻时打牌出老千,曾因赌博被劳教三年。经营服装生意失利后,六叔回到中山路做餐饮,至今已超过二十年。个体户雞姐的老牌鸡粥店,越晚生意越好。几年前雞姐赌博输了二百八十万。花了一年多时间清还债务后,雞姐重整门面,准备东山再起。 但是,三十年的夜市已走到了尽头。政府提出中山路改造方案,改造后,以美食大排档为主的夜市将不复存在。中山路的拆迁影响了夜市的客流量。六叔原本生意红火的店面已被拆除,只好带着老婆和几个工人沿街摆摊。一些老牌店家也贴出了搬迁告示。九叔曾有重振夜市的计划,无奈大势已去,只能看着自己打拼一生的江湖领地日渐衰落。 春节来临,中山路又有几栋沿街的骑楼被拆除。让九叔为之一振的是,与中山路毗邻的共和路变成了夜市,并归九叔管理。九叔开始招收新的管理员,带领手下封路整顿秩序,在新的辖区树立威信。同时,夜市个体户们也迎来一年中最忙碌的节日⋯⋯ This documentary aims to show the stories of ordinary people on Zhongshan Road represented by night market manager Ninth Uncle, as well as the vicissitudes of life in a changing era. Ninth Uncle is nicknamed “mayor of the night market.” He has been handling the Zhongshan Road Night Market for 30 years as a contract staff for the government. All kinds of private business owners gather up at the market; some are nice, some are not. Ninth Uncle rules the market with a slightly rough, gangster approach and it works well. With his hard effort, the night market grew from just a few street vendors to a full-fledged 300-stand food plaza. The Zhongshan Road has since been known far and wide for its gourmet food. As the market thrives, the business owners and the city’s district officer show more respect to him. Thus Ninth Uncle’s status is quite high in the area. Although he is almost 70, Ninth Uncle contributes most of his time to the night market. Whenever the night falls, he puts on his work uniform and brings his baton to go for a patrol in the night market with his team, no matter the weather. By midnight, he invites old friends from the market to drink and play card games. Dizzy, they then take a high-profile late night walk through the city. Ninth Uncle is successful at the night market, but he is not doing well when it comes to family. He lived a rather rough childhood and divorced several times. Now that he is old, he fails to enjoy a good relationship with his children. One lucky thing is that his current wife Xiao Yang is a gentle lady who doesn’t like to fight. She takes very good care of Ninth Uncle, too. On this year’s Mid-Autumn Festival, Ninth Uncle and Xiao Yang got together with the family and worshiped their ancestors. As they ate, Ninth Uncle asked his son to get a stable job and marry soon. His son wouldn’t. The reunion ended in dismal. While the century-old Zhongshan Road looks shattered in the day, it transforms into a busy golden route in the night. Amidst the bustles and hustles are people making money by selling different things. And among these people is Sixth Uncle, a night market business owner and long-time neighbors with Ninth Uncle. They have been sharing drinks and meals for decades like brothers. They are such good friends that they almost meet up daily to play cards and drink wine. Sixth Uncle was a gangster when he was young. He used to cheat in poker games and even spent three years on reeducation through labor due to gambling. After losing his clothing business, Sixth Uncle returned to Zhongshan Road to open a food shop and has been in the trade for more than 20 years since then. There is also Sister Hen whose old chicken porridge shop receives more customers as it draws deeper into the night. A few years ago, Sister Hen lost 2.8 million due to gambling. It cost her only more than a year to pay the debts. Now, she’s ready to rise again. But the 30-year-old night market is counting its days, because the government will soon “renew” the Zhongshan Road. By then, this night market featuring gourmet food will cease to exist. As demolishment work goes on, the night market loses its customers. Sixth Uncle used to enjoy a great business, but his shop has now been torn down. He can do nothing but to be a street vendor again with his wife and a few staff. Some old stores announce that they will soon relocate. Ninth Uncle has a night market revival plan in mind, but he can only watch his kingdom decline day by day. The world is not on his side. The Chinese New Year is drawing near, and a few more facades of the street are being knocked down. But Ninth Uncle is thrilled because neighboring Gonghe Road, now a night market street, is to be managed by him. Ninth Uncle is busy recruiting new managerial staff to keep the street in order and to secure their authority at work. At the same time, all of the private business owners in the night market are also getting ready for the busiest festival of a year.

